In my work as the director of a health services organization, I have come to appreciate the challenges that individuals, managers, executives and their organizations face in their personal and professional lives.

More than ever, the services of an experienced and savvy coach is a wise investment. A good coach contributes clarity and focus, resulting in sound and productive decision-making.

In our coaching relationship, my function is to help you identify and achieve your goals in a timely and authentic manner. We will work as partners to help you recognize opportunities, exercise your creativity and develop your capability for solving problems.

Personal and Professional Coaching

As your personal and professional coach, I will help you assess the present, determine your future goals, and develop a successful strategy–tasks that could prove difficult on your own. It is my job to be your impartial observer, listening carefully in order to provide support, practical information and guidance to help you achieve your desired results–be it improved performance, greater personal or professional success, or a more fulfilling life.

Executive Coaching

Management can be a lonely and thankless profession. No matter how much of a “people person” you may be, it’s easy to become cut off, isolated, and ineffective. Even the skills that brought you to your present position may seem inadequate.

The advantage of partnering with an executive coach is to regain focus, replacing confusion with clarity, and paralysis with action. As your coach, I will provide a wider lens—a fresh and impartial perspective that can help you reexamine those skills that brought you to a leadership position. I provide expertise and experience to help you identify the necessary steps to generate creative and enthusiastic partnering with your staff and organization.

Equally important, I can help you address personal issues, such as how to reconcile the demands you feel as an executive with your need for a loving and supportive family life. Additionally, I work with senior managers who are interested in leaving a legacy for their organizations or leveraging their corporate experience to make a difference in the world at large.

Coaching sessions can be held in face-to-face meetings as well as by phone or skype. To explore the advantages of coaching, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call 202-329-4958 to arrange an initial consultation.